Work hardPlay hard

Past Workshops and Events

Tuesday 15th March 2022

Spring Equinox Playful Ritual – postponed

Interdimensional purveyor of playful alchemy Urtema Dolphin, will lead us on a playful adventure to celebrate the coming of the Spring Equinox. We’ll be using playful activities, ritual and a powerful sound journey to take us on an uplifting journey to connect us to the…

Thursday 26th November 2020

Playful New Year Intention Setting Ritual

Interdimensional purveyor of playful alchemy Urtema Dolphin, will lead us on a magical journey to set our 2021 intentions, we’ll go inwards to dream of bright new beginnings.  This is a fertile opportunity to focus on your wellbeing, playfully manifesting the life you want to…

Monday 23rd November 2020

Laughter Yoga and Games for Wellbeing

An evening of laughter yoga exercises and games designed to tickle your funny bone good and proper. Hosted by laughter leader Carol Thompson who’s basically a real life ray of sunshine. Carol is a trained Psychosynthesis Therapeutic Counsellor, NLP Master Practitioner, Laughter Leader and Communication…

Friday 20th November 2020

Embodied Wellbeing Workshop

Invest in your wellbeing with this workshop designed to deeply nourish your mind, body and spirit.  You’ll be expertly led through a playful selection of techniques by Life Coach Daisy Bruce.  Fill your self-care cup with a delicious mix of relaxing and energising exercises to…

Thursday 19th November 2020

Singing Ourselves Home Harmony Workshop

Reconnect to your creative, embodied and playful nature with this wholly welcoming singing workshop led by Sophia Efthimiou. Learn songs from a variety of traditions in spine tingling harmony. Songs to soothe the heart and lift the soul. Everyone is welcome. As Zimbabwean proverb says…

Friday 13th November 2020

The Antidote Online Christmas Party

Come all ye playful to Antidote’s Xmas Party! Our festive shindig with more fun stuff than you can shake a stocking at – THE Antidote to all those average Xmas parties. Outrageously divine duo Loose Baker and Kevin Campbell Davidson will dive into their most…

Thursday 23rd July 2020

Theatre Of The Oppressed With Tony Cealy

This workshop will be a playful mix of essential games and techniques from the arsenal of Theatre Of The Oppressed.  Theatre of the Oppressed is a collection of innovative theatre techniques and games created with the intention to motivate people and create space for social…

Thursday 23rd July 2020

Remember remember… games to make you go BOOM!

Overthrow your internal Government with PLAY Over 400 years ago, some bloke called Guy tried to overthrow the British Government. It didn’t go so well. BUT. Using that as inspiration, we will play games and exercises that dive into your internal government and turn things…

Thursday 16th July 2020

Primal Play PLAYSHOP

Get fitter, stronger and healthier using the power of the Primal Play Method™. Regardless of your relationship with activity; whether you have a love affair with fitness and relish a new challenge or hate exercise but want to get passionate about movement again – you will…

Thursday 16th July 2020

Samhain Playful Ritual With Urtema Dolphin

Interdimensional purveyor of playful alchemy Urtema Dolphin, will lead us on a magical journey to honour our ancestors and go inwards to dream of new beginnings at this fertile time of year. At Samhain the dark half of the year commences, it is a time…

Monday 6th July 2020

Playful Art for Wellbeing Workshop

An arty sesh for creative magpies. We’ve injected the stoic art class model with a healthy dose of playfulness. A creative playground for those who like to make and play. Come join us for an hour of creativity to get your juices flowing! We’ll be…

Monday 6th July 2020

Dance party with Iona McNeil

An Incredible Bizarre Dancing Journey through Space & Time: through the decades, the cosmos and through the alphabet.  Get your ticket for this once-in-a-lifetime trip, a dancing exploration like never seen before. Forget dancing ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’, we are going to be dancing…

Monday 6th July 2020

Playful Creative Writing Workshop

Get loose with language in this playful, creative writing workshop for adults. We will experiment with new, fun ways of experiencing and writing about the world around us. This workshop is designed to loosen up your approach to creative writing and bring lightness and play…

Monday 6th July 2020

Arji’s Playful Online Poetry Jam

Poetry doesn’t have to be a solitude affair. Join us for a poetry party where we get playful with all things linguistic. Expect to be hit with a menagerie of contemporary poetry, before creating a group poem and finally trying your hand at your very…

Monday 6th July 2020

Mini Golf at home with Anna and Arji

In this interactive workshop you’ll create your own mini golf course at home! Be inspired by games, images and drawing then create your own version from objects you have at home! How could you create your own mini-golf at home? Could you use chopstick and…

Monday 6th July 2020

Lady Ga-Ga-Games with Iona McNeil

The exceptionally fun Iona McNeil will lead you through a collection of love inspired games to fill your hearts and connect your souls. We’ll be diving into super silly gamnes such as Poker Face, the Lovegame and then we’ll shake our tail feathers to some…

Monday 6th July 2020

Wild Play Lab Imaginative Games Workshop

Roar! Awaken your inner child, get ‘out of our head’ and dive into the wisdom of your body. Taking inspiration from children and animals, we’ll galvanise the primal beast within. The one that crawls, climbs, and is innately curious about the world. Rediscover those lost…

Monday 6th July 2020

Harvest Games With Campbell Davidson

Harvest time is about celebrating the people who grow the food we eat and provide us with nourishment. It’s also about sharing the fruits of our labours with others. In this workshop Campbell Davidson will bring a basket full of games, songs and reflections to…

Monday 6th July 2020

Laughter Yoga and Games with Carol Thompson

An evening of laughter yoga exercises and games designed to tickle your funny bone good and proper. Hosted by laughter leader Carol Thompson who’s basically a real life ray of sunshine. This is the perfect workshop for anyone who fancies exploring their playful side a…

Friday 22nd May 2020

Midsummer Night’s Dream – Playful Solstice Ritual

Interdimensional purveyor of playful alchemy Urtema Dolphin, will lead us to the magical realm of enchanted childhood in this summer solstice special. With a light heart and open mind we’ll connect with the part of ourselves that knows no bounds; the happy, imaginative spirit always…

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