Work hardPlay hard

Past Workshops and Events

Tuesday 5th March 2024

⚡️ Now That’s What I Call Games With Mick Barnfather ⚡️

Now That’s What I Call games workshop is the perfect playful antidote. Be ready for a bucket load of feel good games! From high-energy tag to mind-bending word & rhythm role play, our Games Maestro Mick Barnfather has something for everyone up his sneaky sleeve. Expect an extravaganza of silliness inspired by Mick’s extensive experience in clowning and theatre.

Tuesday 27th February 2024

Theatre Of The Oppressed Innovative Games Workshop With Tony Cealy

This workshop will be a playful mix of essential games and techniques from the arsenal of Theatre Of The Oppressed. Theatre of the Oppressed is a collection of innovative theatre techniques and games created with the intention to motivate people and create space for social and behavioural change. It was created in the 1970’s by Brazilian Theatre practioner Augosto Boal. In this workshop you will be expertly led by Tony Cealy. Tony is a drama facilitator, theatre practitioner, arts activist, agitator and creative producer. Facilitating in a safe and comfortable way Tony will use a range of techniques from The Theatre Of The Oppressed arsenal.

Grace Burlesque

Tuesday 20th February 2024

Burlesque and Theatrical Movement with Grace Church

Creative extraordinaire Grace Emily Church is bringing her wealth of theatrical experience to The Fun Fed for a night of embodied movement that will get you into your bodies and exploring their potential for expression.  You’ll be treated to an exciting and dynamic workshop that fuses different theatrical techniques that will take you on a playful journey of discovery.  

Ecstatic Dance

Thursday 15th February 2024

Choose Love Ecstatic Dance Ritual with Cacao

Platonic V-Day loved up special brought to you by The Fun Fed and Ecstatic Playground held at the beautiful Exmouth market Centre.

Expect a rich mix of playful activites to warm your hearts and connect your souls in our Valentines special where evereyone is welcome.  We’ll be servind up some delicious cocoa to warm your hearts and connect your souls, holding some playful games followed by an Ecstatic Dance to uplift and unite.  We infuse playfulness into the experience, whether it is through new ways to move or exploring curious things in the space.

Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Burns Night Games and Ceilidh Dancing Workshop

Be prepared for an all-embracing celebration of Scottish playfulness. What better way to celebrate the great Scottish poet Rabbie Burns than with a night of dancing and games.  Held by the ever charming Kevin Campbell Davidson, this multi talented man has extensive experience as a games teacher, circus acrobat, and host of London’s Ceilidh Liberation Front. 

Tuesday 16th January 2024

Raw Play With Loose Baker

There is a place beyond rules, beyond ‘this or that’ and beyond the ‘what am I doing?’ feeling… in this place we can find a kind of play to get submerged in, where you can forget where you begin and another ends, where things might seem a little wilder, a little more feral… And that is where we are going to head on this evening called Raw Play (or equally could be called Roar Play)…

Tuesday 9th January 2024

Let the Sunshine in – Embodied Games with Iona McNeil

Let the eternal sunshine light up your being with a rich mix of uplifting games held by games mistress Iona McNeil.  Expect to play a mixed bag of old school games and some juicy new ones Iona has straight up created too!

Tuesday 9th January 2024

🤩 The Fun Fed Flexipass 💰

We offer an almost too good to be true Flexipass for our exciting and uplifting range of Tuesday night playful London workshops.


Thursday 7th December 2023

The Fun Fed Christmas Ceilidh

Come all ye playful to The Fun Fed’s Xmas Party: our annual festive shindig providing more fun stuff than you can shake a stocking at. With a plethora of games to lay your mitts on and take part in, live Ceilidh band and sparkly crafting tables – the night promises to be a real CHRISTMAS CRACKER (awful, sorry).

Tuesday 28th November 2023

⚡️Primal Play Playshop ⚡️ Strength & Fitness Games With Darryl Edwards

Get fitter, stronger and healthier using the power of the Primal Play Method™. Regardless of your relationship with activity; whether you have a love affair with fitness and relish a new challenge or hate exercise but want to get passionate about movement again – you will gain practical movement skills that will assist you in performing everyday, recreational and extraordinary physical tasks more effectively. Most importantly, you will also have a lot of fun doing it!


Tuesday 21st November 2023

🪘 African Drumming Workshop With Tom Morley 🪘

Fancy playing the snazziest of West African djembe drums? Then come roadtest the djembe in a workshop comprised of beautiful beats, world music harmonies and Tom Morley’s infectiously good cheer. Tom’s love affair with drumming all started in a Native American Sweat lodge (where else?) and his sessions combine harmony singing with traditional drumming techniques and all round good vibes.

Tuesday 14th November 2023

⚡️ Now That’s What I Call Games With Mick Barnfather ⚡️

Now That’s What I Call games workshop is the perfect playful antidote. Be ready for a bucket load of feel good games! From high-energy tag to mind-bending word & rhythm role play, our Games Maestro Mick Barnfather has something for everyone up his sneaky sleeve. Expect an extravaganza of silliness inspired by Mick’s extensive experience in clowning and theatre.

Raw Play

Tuesday 7th November 2023

⚡️ Raw Play Playshop ⚡️ Games For The Unruly With Loose Baker

There is a place beyond rules, beyond ‘this or that’ and beyond the ‘what am I doing?’ feeling… in this place we can find a kind of play to get submerged in, where you can forget where you begin and another ends, where things might seem a little wilder, a little more feral… And that is where we are going to head on this evening called Raw Play (or equally could be called Roar Play)…

Embodied Games

Tuesday 24th October 2023

🤩 Embodied Games With Iona McNeil 🤩

A playful throwback to the glory days of the playground where Bulldog, Mafia & Wink Murder ran the show. Expect to play a mixed bag of old school games and some juicy new ones Iona has straight up created too!

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Legend Of Selkie: Embodied Myth through Fire, Heat and Laughter

We welcome you to an immersive journey where myth, magic and laughter are infused into a restorative sauna experience.  The evening experience takes inspiration from two wonderful workshops held at The Community Sauna Baths and The Fun Fed. Myth Monday Women’s group held by Polly and ‘An Introduction to Laughguss’ held by Barry.

Tuesday 10th October 2023

🎶 Nostalgic Pop Sing-a-long with Sarah Weiler 🎶 Postponed

A wholly welcoming singing class open to all levels. Whether you’re tone deaf or pitch perfect, our Pop Sing-a-long is all about the connecting power of music. Look forward to syncing up your vocal chords over spine tingling tunes courtesy of creative powerhouse Sarah Weiler.

Games for adults

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

⚡️ The Playstation ⚡️ Social Games for Adults With Kevin Davidson

Games guru Kevin Davidson will be your host for an evening packed with classic games and new playful gems. From tagging to listening games, physical dexterity to mental agility games, he’ll refresh you with the spirit of play.

Tuesday 26th September 2023

An Introduction to Laughter Yoga With Barry Sykes 😄

Guru of giggles Barry Sykes will be leading An Introduction to Laughter Yoga at The Fun Fed for a seriously fun night of playful activities to satisfy the human need for belly laughs and wholesome connection.

Raw Play

Tuesday 19th September 2023

⚡️ Raw Play Playshop ⚡️ Games For The Unruly With Loose Baker

There is a place beyond rules, beyond ‘this or that’ and beyond the ‘what am I doing?’ feeling… in this place we can find a kind of play to get submerged in, where you can forget where you begin and another ends, where things might seem a little wilder, a little more feral… And that is where we are going to head on this evening called Raw Play (or equally could be called Roar Play)…

Tuesday 19th September 2023


🎶 Roadtest The Uke 2 🎶

Come road test the guitar’s legendary little bro in a super workshop suitable for all levels of strumming expertise.

Once considered a twee plucking choice, the ukulele has made a huge resurgence as the ultimate fireside and festival companion in recent years. So what better way to learn the basics of the guitar’s legendary little bro than in a chilled workshop and jam-session suitable for all levels?

Book now