The Antidote Online Christmas Party
Come all ye playful to Antidote’s Xmas Party! Our festive shindig with more fun stuff than you can shake a stocking at – THE Antidote to all those average Xmas parties. Outrageously divine duo Loose Baker and Kevin Campbell Davidson will dive into their most entertaining characters for the ultimate online festive fun feast. With a plethora of games to take part in, a Christmas quiz and a hearty singalong to bring a smile to even the grouchiest of scrooges – the night promises to be a real CHRISTMAS CRACKER (awful, sorry). In true Antidote style we’ll be throwing in playful twists and turns and make sure everyone feels warm, connected and fussy. So look no further for the perfect all-sorted Xmas party for your office team all from the comfort of your own home.
Early bird tickets only £5!!!
Friday 13th November 2020
Physical activity
Move around mildly
£5-£10 Early bird tickets: £5