Work hardPlay hard

Playful Art for Wellbeing Workshop

An arty sesh for creative magpies.

We’ve injected the stoic art class model with a healthy dose of playfulness. A creative playground for those who like to make and play.

Come join us for an hour of creativity to get your juices flowing! We’ll be making art with whatever is to  hand and enjoying the process every step of the way. Bring any art materials you have (pen and paper minimum) and get ready to create!

Cìosa Le Gear is an integrative arts counsellor who works with children to help them heal and explore through play and art making. She also runs creative workshops for adults to help them use their creativity as a tool for fun, reflection and self care.

Everyone is welcome to this playful art class.  Get ready to pour yourself a tea or a cheeky cocktail while you sketch, play and make.



Monday 6th July 2020



Physical activity

Take it easy




£5 plus booking fees Free with a Flexipass

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