Beltaine Bonfire Blessings (Sauna, Myth, Magic and Ritual)
We welcome you to an immersive journey where myth, magic and ritual are infused into a restorative sauna experience.
Myth Monday storytellers Grace Church and Polly Wilson in collaboration with The Fun Fed will be leading a Beltaine Blessings Sauna Workshop to cleanse energies of old and ignite your internal fire ready to step into the summer energy with a renewed spirit, connected to the earth and your heart song.
What to expect:
Participants will be led on a journey to celebrate the welcoming of the summer months, banishing the darkness of past energy and welcome in the growing light. Polly and Grace will tell a fiery Beltaine myth, there’ll be ritualistic fire burnings, offerings and sauna rituals weaved into this rich and reviving experience. Prepare to leave this evening feeling spiritually nourished, creative and connected. This is a truly wild and wacky way to relax in the sauna together!
About Grace
Grace has trained in Mime, Movement and Theatre at the Jacques Lecoq school, learning the crafts of physical theatre and clown. She now works as a freelance theatre-maker, storyteller and sauna master. She runs the theatre company Stumble Trip Theatre. Her shows tour nationally and internationally to venues such as Pleasance, Soho Theatre, Brighton Spiegetelent and The Wardrobe Bristol. She has run workshops for a range of charities, festivals and organisations including Wilderness, Team Domenica & Camden People’s Theatre. Her work is colourful, playful, absurd and socially engaged.
About Polly
Polly has a rich and diverse background in theatrical practices. Her unstoppable creativity and desire to make positive change has led her to founding and being involved in many exciting projects. Polly is the founder of Multidisciplinary Art Collective Eyerod which focuses on immersive rituals, storytelling and world building, she has created a series of Butoh inspired Movement performances that have toured across the Netherlands and she has facilitated art and theatre workshops for humanitarian projects in Sierra Leone and Greece.
After studying at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama she channelled her creative forces into Myth Mondays at The Hackney Sauna Baths. Myth Mondays combines sauna storytelling with sauna bathing, a practice known for dissipating the ego and myth known for awakening the subconscious.
Polly aims to help the U.K sauna bathing community understand sauna bathing as a practice that can be both healing, and creative.
Feedback from Polly’s Myth Monday sessions:
‘Polly is incredible and I am so grateful for her work and putting this together. I hope it continues forever and more people can benefit from it’
‘This was a magical space where we could all be open & vulnerable and free! The attention to detail was super impressive and you could just tell there was a lot of effort and love put into creating the session.’
What to bring:
– 2 towels
– sliders/ flip flops
– Swimming costume
Photo credit: Liz Seabrook
Tuesday 7th May 2024
Physical activity
Hot and sweaty
Hackney community Sauna
£30 This event is not included with the Flexipass